Mechanical Parking Systems – Increasing safety and security for your car and personal belongings.

Have you ever experienced the unfortunate event of having your car broken into in a carpark late at night and had your possessions stolen?

Have you had a shopping trolley run into the side of your car, leaving a dent or a scratch or has an inconsiderate person opened their doors on your car leaving damage?

Have you even had your car stolen and never want to have that bad feeling in the pit of your stomach again?

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All these issues are avoided by using a mechanical car parking system.

Aside from the convenience of always being able to automatically call up your vehicle platform for parking and retrieving, your car will be safely tucked away in the car parking system, often deep below ground or many stories high in the air where it is not accessible to would be thieves.

When using a Hercules parking system, you and you alone have access to the system. You can park or retrieve your vehicle without the need to worry about other cars. You can rest easy in the knowledge that once stored securely your car cannot be accessed by anyone else.

Annoying bumps, dents and scratches caused by others with poor parking skills will be a thing of the past as you drive into your allocated space. With either a swipe of a card or a click of a remote you can watch your vehicle get automatically parked for you.

Hercules Burswood Perth